Hello friends!
The New Moon in Sag on Tuesday, December 12 at 6:31 pm EST is happening at 20º and invites us to dream BIG - What do you want your 2024 to look like? How would you like to grow? What would you like to experience? Really FEEL into what lights your fire, what excites you? Think about the essence of what you’re calling in, not the actual concrete thing, but think more of how you want to feel about these accomplishments or experiences.
Well, we have a fabulous aspect that the lunar nodes are making to the New Moon, aiding us to connect the dots between what we are ready to leave behind and what we are aiming towards next, making it more available for us to tap into our soul’s truth.
Thinking that you know it all or that someone else has the answers. Neptune in a square to the New Moon reminds us that we cannot fully comprehend or see clearly the plan the Universe has for us.
We are co-creating with the Universe, so yes - let it know what you’d like to explore, and then you’ll see how the Universe will reflect where there is healing to be done to get there.
When Neptune is involved in a square, we want to ask – How do I surrender to God to feel a sense of wholeness, to know that I’m part of something bigger, more loving, and kind? And, where do I apply boundaries to then ground myself into self-care so that I can be in service to my purpose?
We want to be open to an alternative route to our wish list, especially since Uranus creates a quincunx to the luminaries, which means things are coming out from our blindspot, and that can be very surprising, like getting the rug pulled from underneath us, although I could see this also helping us get clear on what is in alignment with our most authentic self.
Uranus and Neptune are starting to connect in sextile, so in the coming months, we will notice more and more that these “unpleasant” surprises are blessings in disguise because they show us what’s really meant for our highest path of evolution.
Neptune’s square can make our emotional world bigger, needing an outlet for hypersensitivity. During Sag season, we may find ourselves dancing, getting crafty, and creating really fun memories with our loved ones. If we are not mindful, we can also overindulge or escape the heavy feelings.
The Ruler of Sag, Jupiter, is in a lovely trine to Mercury bringing to us the tools to learn or gather the information that will help us gain the experience we need to get the ball rolling for next year.
Jupiter in opposition to Venus, talks about the need to balance overflowing passions and obsessions with what makes sense in practicality, making it obvious where we need to compromise in our relationships with others and our finances so that we have deeply intimate, honest, fun, and pleasurable experiences.
MERCURY RETROGRADING from Dec. 13th - January 1st from 8º Capricorn to 22º Sagittarius is another reminder that nothing is set in stone yet because, with this retrograde, we are gathering details and processing what 2023 meant for us; we begin to finalize and make concrete plans after the New Moon in Capricorn January 11th.
Until then, this is a time to slow down and look inward to reconsider our mindset around life goals, career, public image, social status, and tradition (Capricorn things), steaming from changes in our philosophy, politics, worldview, beliefs, studies, and spirituality (Sagittarius things).
While Mercury is in Capricorn until Dec 22nd, there is an appetite for knowledge of practicality, with Jupiter in a trine, and a willingness to open our minds beyond our comfort zone.
When it moves to Sagittarius from Dec 23rd to the 1st, there is an emotional angle with Neptune squaring it, asking us to slow down and be mindful of what we consume - to have moments of introspection to discern and integrate what we’ve been experiencing.
The next three weeks of Mercury Retrograde are meant for us to reprogram the mindset we want to walk into 2024 with!
Do your research, be open and flexible to changes, have patience as things don’t always go as planned, and remember it’s not about what happens but what you make of it. This reminds me of the mantra:
“Everything is working out best-case-scenario”
With Love,