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New Moon in Capricorn: Success & Relationships

Happy 2024, dear friends!!

We have a New Moon on the 11th at 20º Capricorn, symbolizing a fresh start in which we are prompted to take bold action (Mars trine Jupiter) by stepping outside of our comfort zone or by expanding our horizons and doing things we’ve never done before that will bring long-term stability (Mars sextile Saturn).

We may notice a greater need for freedom and to accentuate our unique essence (Uranus trine New Moon), giving an itch for re-invention while speeding up whatever we initiate in the next two weeks.

Capricorn season is always the best time to think of our definition of success and how we relate to authority figures or our role as an authority in other's lives and as our own authority– being the CEO of our life!

So, with this being highlighted, we may initiate changes in our career, life mission, public image, or what we’re known for.

For some, these changes may be unexpected and coming from others, but they are still fabulous opportunities, even if they seem destabilizing at the moment.

  • To gain clarity on the Capricorn area of your chart and how this shows up in your life, book a session!

There's confidence here, backed by faith, to show up for your life goals!

Even though fears and struggles may appear (New Moon square Lunar Nodes), there is a choice we have to make: evolve or remain.

Asking us to pay attention to our old habits and toxic patterns in relationships, like people pleasing, keeping everyone happy and leaving yourself last, putting others on pedestals, and not speaking up for fear of disrupting appearances (Libra south node topics).

These are things we are learning to heal and transform by having a healthy relationship with ourselves (Aries North Node) by prioritizing our well-being and speaking out about our needs while being open and understanding of others’ needs as well, and giving people space to be independent without losing touch of the importance of connection.

I think that's the biggest reminder of this New Moon, that to get far (Capricorn), you can go alone and get there fast (Aries), but to really build something that will last, you need people to help you (Libra), people that recognize the value of their individuality and are responsible for themselves!

Venus in Sag trine Chiron is providing healing for us to speak our truth and have hard conversations to help us express and understand each other in how we are growing so that we can make adjustments in our relationships and finances. This aspect also suggests learning opportunities, courses, mentorships, and such that teach us how to alchemize wounds into empowering tools.

While Mercury is already direct, it is still in a separating square from Neptune, so we may not know all the details or see the full picture just yet. Keep a flexible and open mind to the endless possibilities that exist; what’s important is to take steps forward with a trial-and-error mentality.

No attempt is wasted because you will always gain experience!

Cheers to your success that comes from the joy of being authentic!! 💓

Sending you all the best,


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